A photo of me, outside 'The Godfather - Brick Oven Pizzeria & Seafood Bar & Grill' establishment... in East Hanover, NJ... ... at 11:18 AM, on 2/14/24... (I had been in there, 'browsing pizzas')



ASCENT OF ARTICLES & LINKS (newsworthy, &/or of interest), ALONG WITH MINI DIARY (








10:50 AM (2/29/24):

"Intrinsic value, is often affiliated… …with that, which is valid… and 'objectively legitimate'… When we partake in such matters, we discern them to have worth… By no means, is it easy… to go through life… …without having resolve. There are those who even advocate, that life is more straightforward… …when one tests one limits, and seeks continuous… self-improvement/advancement… …in the context, of the involuntary circumstances… …that have been bestowed, upon… oneself. …Perhaps it is the fact, that idleness (in the midst, of uncertainty) and the unknown (in the midst, of secularism)… are unsettling... ...that humans persevere, to deter such discord... pursuit, of ‘greater harmony’…” – Michael Izuchukwu 

11:02 AM (2/29/24):
Pelerman.flv (

Sometimes, you don't know where you're going... life. ...but if you listen to your heart, you typically have a compass... ...that can direct you...

There typically is feedback, along an 'intended path'... ...serving as reinforcement, for a course... you are taking (a direction, being moved in)...

11:08 AM (2/29/24):

"I do, like many of you... ...appreciate the comforts of the everyday routine, the security of the familiar... ...the tranquility, of repetition..." - V, from 'V for Vendetta' movie (#1)

V for Vendetta (2005) - V on TV Scene (2/8) | Movieclips ( (0:00-0:15)

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist, in nature... ...nor do the children of men, as a whole... ...experience it. Avoiding danger, is no safer in the long run... than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing..." - Helen Keller (#2)

"For after all, what is man... in nature? A nothing in relation to infinity, all in relation to nothing... ...a central point, between nothing and all... and infinitely far, from understanding... either. The ends of things and their beginnings, are impregnably concealed from him... in an impenetrable secret. He is equally incapable, of seeing the nothingness... out of which, he was drawn... ...and the infinite... in which, he is engulfed..." - Blaise Pascal (#3)

"Look deep, into nature... ...and then, you will understand everything... better..." - Albert Einstein (#4)

#'s 1-4 = quotes, pertaining to 'man in nature... amidst, existentialism...' 

11:50 AM (2/29/24):

Why Single Women in Their Late 30's are Shedding Tears on Social Media ( (0:00-1:38 & ... to 5:56)

People have a variety of reasons, for why they seek partnerships... life. There is a spectrum, of such bonds... ...and ideally, they are genuine... and meaningful...

11:18 AM (2/29/24):

Why God Is Isolating You (


“Love is the Oldest Medicine We Have…” with Dr. Vivek H Murthy | #FOF2019 (


10:06 PM (2/28/24):

1968 interview with MLK’s family (

On the 'second to last' day of Black History Month, of 2024 (February 2024, that is), I saw this YouTube recommendation. Such is an interesting interview, with Martin Luther King Jr.'s family... the aftermath, of his assassination... 

(on 2/28/24, I made the error... ...of saying, the 'last' day...)

I have always found it interesting, how there are those who called him 'Dr. King (doctor king)'... ...but one wonders, about certain titles... ...regarding how they are interpreted, or applied... For instance, it's atypical... to call someone 'President King'... 

One must also note, that there is ambiguity... in the interpretations... of how people, may process things... ...based off, their level... of acuity...

Martin Luther King's Last Speech: I've been to the Mountaintop & M83 - By the Kiss (slowed down) (

Acuity was a matter of interest, in the time... of Jesus Christ... This is an interesting portrayal:

 “Before Abraham was, I AM.” John 8 x Jacob’s Prayer (, 11:34 PM, on 2/28/24

10:49 PM (2/28/24):

THE PRINCE OF EGYPT Clip - "Moses Meets Miriam And Aaron" (1998) ( (0:00-4:19)


8:46 PM (2/28/24):

I went to McDonald's, in Orange, NJ... ...and bought '1' McChicken... as of 8:18 PM, on 2/28/24... Upon returning to my dominion, 2 ideas occurred to me:

IDEA #1:
Insects are likely 'dimensionally governed' organisms, regarding the spontaneity... ...of their sightings... There are seemingly 'elusive forces,' that may be behind-the-scenes... ...that likely refine, the daily lives... ...of human beings... ...from the standpoint, of powers (higher and lower)...

IDEA #2:
Words are the means to meaning, as V (from the movie 'V for Vendetta') stated... 

V For Vendetta: Words will always retain their power. ( (1:00-1:08)

...whether they are enunciated, or written... ...but perhaps, in the context of spacetime... and existentialism... ...meaning is denoted, by a vibration... Given that atoms are what many structures are comprised of, at the microscopic level... ...there seems to be universality, in the concept... ...of vibrations. This relates to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, which states that the momentum and position... of a particle... ...cannot, be precisely known...

Helen Keller learned how to read, by using her fingertips... to learn the language, of braille...

...I surmise, that Jesus Christ ('God the Son')... can use this technique ('or something similar'), to verbally communicate with all humans... ...who gain entry, to heaven... ...after Judgment Day... The language that Jesus spoke, was Aramaic...

A hypothesis of mine, is that the language spoken... in heaven... all humans... is universal (some means is bestowed, by which there is 'no language barrier')

SEE: Tower of Babel - Wikipedia

"What a terrible thing, it is to see... ...and have, no vision..." - Helen Keller

9:37 PM (2/282/4):
Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man, is possible… with God…” – Luke 18:27
Jesus looked at them and said, “With man, this is impossible... but with God, all things... are possible...” - Matthew 19:26


5:53 PM (2/28/24):
‘Father of quantum computing’ wins $3m physics prize (

I read the first '4' paragraphs of this article, and said to myself 'holy shit'... ...regarding the degree, of difficulty...

Regarding David Deutsch, this excerpt... caught my attention:

"He shares the prize with Peter Shor at MIT, an expert in quantum algorithms, along with Gilles Brassard at the University of Montreal and Charles Bennett at IBM in New York, who developed unbreakable forms of quantum cryptography and helped to invent quantum teleportation – a way of sending information from one to place to another."

Quantum teleportation? I didn't believe, that had been invented (don't believe, such has been... ...unless, I am mistaken)...

...the elementary variation of such, perhaps ('prototype,' that is)...?


2:54 PM (2/28/24):

A photo of some mandarin oranges, at 9:24 AM... on 2/28/24... 
I ate '1' of them... since then...
The '7' of them, allude to the 7 dragon balls... in the TV series 'Dragon Ball Z'


3:25 PM (2/28/24):
Billionaire ZEUS sweet with his lady💞 #monaco #billionaires #supercars #carspotting #shorts (

Interesting sighting, of a 'Chelsea Clinton' doppelganger... of late, I have been 'seeing' doppelgangers (a surge, in sightings... ...after a hiatus, from them)


2:40 PM (2/28/24):

Scholar Athlete Celebration showcases athletes and their favorite professors ( (Rice University video)

Time flies, and it's interesting how such is relative... the observer... Albert Einstein, is famous... ...for having pinpointed... I believe this is particularly applicable, in the context of biological age and chronological age... ...along with 'spacetime age'... A few days ago, I believe I began experiencing... that, which follows 'spacetime age'... ...although the name of this phase, eludes me... at present. I believe that 'this phase,' which is beyond spacetime age... ...pertains, to 'higher dimensions'...

Reflections, with 71 days remaining... as a 33-year-old (East Orange, NJ - 1:02 AM, on 8/23/23) (


2:35 PM (2/28/24):

Trapped In Time ( (0:00-1:59)

This song was playing, via a 'live' video stream... ...and I had only '1' second (based off the SHAZAM app's speed) to 'shazam' such, before the song switched... something, 'much less' captivating... ...about 25 minutes, ago... I find such very intriguing - the vibe of someone who is ferocious in a competition, with a frequency... ...that causes the opponents, to surrender (having anticipated, their impending humiliation)... 

...this tune, evokes... of the frequency... of a 61-foot triple jumper...

...the world record, is presently 60'0.25"


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